Ivoire Académie football tryouts in Ivory Coast
Ivoire Académie is holding football academy tryouts in Ivory Coast. The football / basketball school is a training camp that allows young people aged 7 to 17 to train regularly and progress with qualified coaches on the facilities of Ivoire Académie. The objective is to give young people a taste for football and basketball, to improve them while instilling in them the values that make up the strength of a good athlete. Training sessions take place every Wednesday and Saturday afternoon. The cost of the school is 50,000 FCFA per month (transport included) due at the beginning of each month. We also have degressive packages over several months: * 3 months = 130,000 FCFA * 6 months = 250,000 FCFA * 9 months = 360,000 FCFA Warning ! The number of places is limited: * 25 players under 13 * 25 players under 17. A round-trip pick-up car is made available to players to ensure travel. The possible pick-up locations are: - South Cape - Hotel Ivory - Shell Gesco Station (Good Price Superm...