Warriors FC football trials in South Africa


If you are an elite footballer and serious about your football future and think you have what it takes, we are holding trials to add players to our elite GDLP u13 (2010/2011), u15 (2008/2009), u17 (2006/2007) and u19 (2004/2005) teams for the 2023 season.

We nurture players seeking a future in the game either at USA college level or the professional ranks.  We regularly take our teams overseas to enable our players to get exposed to the best young players and coaches in the world.  Some of the teams we have competed against are Bayern Munich, Bayer Leverkusen and Porto amongst others. We are part owned by one of South Africa’s leading football agents and have placed numerous players with PSL clubs. We also have placed players at college soccer in the US and at academies in Spain. We offer a full U.S. college placement service from videoing games to contacting prospective colleges.  We will be sending a team  to a college showcase tournament in the US in 2023 which is the best way to find your perfect college. For those interested in a pro career who are good enough, we offer opportunities and introductions to clubs overseas and locally.

Please note that these trials are not for recreational players but only for elite players.  Training is 3 times per week plus matches regularly.  Players will be required to transport themselves to training. 

Trials will be held on :

11:00 am Saturday 10 December 2022  (u 13 and u15) 

11:00 am Saturday 11 December 2022  (u 17 and u19) 


Sandton  Sports Club, 11 Holt St, Parkmore, Sandton

Those who wish to attend should contact Jimmy by e-mail warriorsfcgdlp@gmail.com

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