ESF Lions football trials in Hong Kong

ESF Lions are recruiting for the 2022/23 season!

In preparation for the upcoming Golden Age tournament qualifiers held by the Hong Kong Football Association, ESF Lions will be holding trials for the U10 Squad. 

The ESF Lions Football Coaches from ESF Sports are looking for players 8-9 years old to join the team. 

So we are hosting trial out training to select players to enter the Hong Kong Golden Age Qualifiers.

Players from the ages 8-9 years old are all welcome! The session is free for players 8-9 years old on:


·  Oct 05, 12 and 26 (Wednesdays)

·  Oct 08, 15, 29 (Saturdays)

Trials will be held for players born in:

·  2013 - U10 Player Development Programme

The locations for trials:

·  King George V School, 2 Tin Kwong Road, Ho Man Tin, Kowloon

Trials are open to everyone (not just ESF students) so you are very welcome to invite peers and friends. Please make sure to sign up on this google form before attending!

Should you have any queries please contact

Register Now

ESF Lions 的U10 和 U12足球隊將會出戰香港足球總會舉辦的賽馬會幼苗足球比賽預選賽!

我們現在正公開招募 U10(2013 年和 2014 年出生)球員,加入這次香港公開賽的陣容。 我們歡迎所有 ESF 和非 ESF的學生!完成這次的試腳,您就有機會加入我們的參賽隊伍,並在22-23學年參加我們高質量的足球訓練和實戰,進一步強化你的比賽經驗和能力!