Sports Authority of India Selection Trials in Madhya Pradesh

Sports Authority of India Selection Trials in Madhya Pradesh. Selection trails for New Induction in SAI Scheme under Residential scheme & Day Boarding scheme for the session 2021-22 will start from 09th & 10th December 2021 at SAI , Central Regional Center, Gramgora Bishen khedi , Bhopal under their following STCs units.

If, there is a vacancy seat available, the admission will be given in the concerned S.T.C.For further any information – contact on 0755-2696930

Residential Scheme – Selection trials will be conducted in the following disciplines:

STC Jabalpur:

09/12/2021 & 10/12/2021

Basketball–Boys , Boxing- Boys, Karate – Boys.

STC Dhar:

09/12/2021 & 10/12/2021

Archery-Boys & Girls, Badminton - Boys & Girls, Football-Boys, Taekwondo-Boys & Girls

STC Raipur:


Volleyball-Boys & Girls

Archery-Boys & Girls (on 13/12/2021)

STC Rajnandgoan:

10/12/2021 (Fri.)

Basketball-Boys & Girls, 

Hockey- Girls

Norms / Criteria for selection for SAI Schemes under Residential are as follows :


Age -12-18 Yrs. ( In special case / if player is National medalist or International player /National camp /Extra ordinary or potential player , age may be consider up to 21 yrs-with approval of DG,SAI, Head Office, New Delhi)

First 08 position in Sub Jr. & Jr. National Championship (Including Cadet) organized by National Sports Federation only once in a year and First 06 position in Inter University Championship conducted by Association of Indian Universities and school Games Federation of India during the current or the year preceding admission.


First Three (03) Position in the State Championship conducted by the recognized State Sports Association.


First Three (03) Position in the North East Games and PYKKA National Rural and Women Championship.


Sports Person who has represented India in any recognized Championship/Tournament held by the recognized International Federation.


The First three position holders of District Championship , Inter Education District level competition, Championship held by confederation by Public schools , /CBSE/KVS/NV/or PYKKA etc. can be eligible to participate in selection trials.


Age Group-10 to 14 years (if , player is not eligible for 10 to 14 years , then players may be admitted in age group of 15 to 18 years.

First four (04) position in the Sub Jr. and Jr. National Championships organized by recognized National Sports Federation and First Two (02) position holder in the Inter-Zonal and Inter University Championships conducted by Association of Indian Universities and School Games Federation of India.


Member of a Team which obtained First (01) or second (02) position in the state Championship organized by a recognized State Sports Association.


Member of Winner and Runner -up in the Games in the North East Games and PYKKA national Rural and Women Championships.


Sports Persons who have participated in the recognized State level competitions organized by State Sports Associations, State Sports Council , State Sports Department may be considered for participation in the selection trials.

**Note:-Battery of Test, Specific Skill Test are compulsory for all players seeking admission in Residential Scheme.


Selected players are provided following facilities from SAI :

Boarding expenditure –Rs.250/- per day , 330 days in the year

Sports Kit-Rs.5000/- per head , per year

Accidentental Insurance –

Competition Exposure –Rs.4000/- per head, per year

Education Exposure –

Medical expenses -Rs.800/-per head, per year

Others-Rs.550/-per head, per year

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